

Frustrated onlooker,
Confused would-be-academic,
Why, O Lord?


For hundreds of years, Christians have poured out their lives here.

For the past 25 years, some of the greatest Christian thinkers in this field have gathered annually. Papers have been written, books produced, presentations given.

Yet what has changed? The Thai church estimates that less than 1% of the country’s population follows Jesus (

Buddhism remains the identity of the vast majority of Thai people. Islam has a stronghold in the ‘Land of Smiles’ too.


I sit in a cafe, penning these words. Conference has finished.

Modern women, working on iPads, create graphic art.

A fashionista photographs her coffee.

Colleagues chat.

Yet these modern young people remain ignorant of God.

Faithful … but is that enough?

I attended this conference because I want to contribute to God’s kingdom work. I want to do good research, though in a land further north. I want to contribute to the body of knowledge that just may lead to a breakthrough one day.

Am I dreaming?
I can but try.
We are simply called to be faithful with the gifts allotted to us.

And yet….

And yet there is hope.

The principal of a thriving Asian seminary touches upon the need for a ‘theology of ancestors’ in his presentation. It addresses questions asked by people here … questions that are quite different to those asked by the average Australian.

Some ‘near culture’ workers who serve God here, in the meantime, are working on a ‘tribal theology’. Such theology considers the Bible through a communal lens, in contrast to the individualistic perspective brought by people like me.

An outsider reports on an exciting ‘insider movement’, with recommendations relevant to other Buddhist contexts.

The heaviness in my heart begins to dissipate.

A Prayer

Almighty God, you alone know why the ‘harvest’ has been so sparse in the kingdom of Thailand over the centuries.

Thank you for the good work being done to think well and seek your direction.

Please bless greatly the work of your people in this country, both nationals and outsiders.

Be glorified in this part of the world, we beg.

We pray this for your kingdom’s sake,


3 replies on “Motivated?”

Suzanne, I’m reading a book on D.L
Moody’s life & evangelistic ministry. As with other great movements of revival or mass salvation of souls, I’ve found it only comes with deep heartfelt love for the people, earnest prayer, empowerment with God’s Word & the overwhelming presence & power of the 3rd person of God- the Holy Spirit. Also, God moves through believers who are totally surrendered to God, are humble & have no love of money. A very hard act to follow.

I didn’t know Thailand was hard soil. this is quite insightful but sad to read. Thank you for the paragraph on ‘hope’.

Our mission organisation is remembering a Global Women’s leadership Forum held there for a week back in 2004 that motivated women all over the world to step up to the opportunities around them for the gospel. .. being fire-seeds wherever we are.
Praying for winds of change to coax those fire-seeds in Thailand into spreading flames of the good news.

Dear Suzanne,
After reading your message, I want to tell you that I came away encouraged about the people group that we have a mutual interest, who live north of Thailand. Do you remember learning about the 3D gospel? It suggests approaching the people with an Asian perspective, reading the scriptures not with the guilt/ innocense perspective; but honor/ shame and also fear/ power view point. Although Thai Buddhism is quite different to TB Buddhism there are some relevant connections, and the conference made me realize the need to persevere. we are on the victory side! Shalom, with Love, J B

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