
An important Buddhist holiday in Thailand

A full moon hangs in the sky tonight.

This is not just any full moon.

Here in Thailand, it is the full moon of the third lunar month of the year 2568 BE (Buddhist Era). Thailand counts years beginning from the generally accepted date of the death of Gautama Buddha. In contrast, in Australia, we count years beginning from the generally accepted date of the birth of our Lord Jesus.

Today is a public holiday in Thailand. It is the Buddhist ‘Makha Bucha Day.’ This day commemorates a spontaneous meeting of the Buddha with 1,250 monks, all of whom were believed to have been ‘enlightened’. Under the light of the full moon of the third lunar month some 45 years before the Buddhist Era (BE) began, far off in North India, it is believed that Gautama Buddha gave an important teaching summarising the core principles of Buddhism.

These days, Makha Bucha Day is a nationwide holiday in Thailand. It is illegal to sell alcohol today, and those that do may be punished with up to six years imprisonment and/or a hefty fine. Buddhism condemns the use of intoxicants, including alcohol. Some tourists will not be happy, but this is not their country, so tough luck.

Today I wandered around the grounds of three temples. Well, strictly speaking, I wandered around the grounds of one, the carpark of another, and stood in the driveway of a third. Crowds of people did all they could to earn merit.


They made offerings of flowers and money. They purchased caged animals in order to set them free. They paid money to draw sticks and ascertain their fortune by correlating the numbers with explanatory information. They burnt candles. They followed chanting monks around holy sites. They even ‘mailed letters’ in the names of loved ones to earn merit for them.

Where are Christ’s people today? For there are followers of Jesus living here in Thailand. I do not expect them to be at the temples earning merit on this auspicious day. Instead, I imagine them in their homes and communities, reflecting the hope and confidence we have in Jesus to their family and friends.

Tonight I offer to God a prayer for my Thai sisters and brothers, wherever they may be. Perhaps you could join me as you look at the pictures of these people, whom God loves, striving to be ‘good enough’.

May Christ’s followers in Thailand share by word and example the certain hope they have for ultimate enlightenment through Jesus, the Light of the World.

May Christ’s followers in Thailand share the liberating truth that Jesus has dealt with suffering once and for all on the cross, earning ‘merit’ for us that we can never deserve.

May Christ’s followers in Thailand brightly reflect the light of Jesus to all around them, just like the full, round moon tonight is reflecting the light of the sun.

Lord Jesus, Light of the World, may your glory be reflected through your people in this beautiful nation.

In Jesus’ name we pray,


2 replies on “An important Buddhist holiday in Thailand”

Thank you, dear Suzanne, for this beautiful reflection and a timely reminder to pray for this nation.
Bless you

I came from a Buddhist family (not that we went to the temple much). When I was in Form 5 (equivalent to Year 10 in Australia), my Malaysian schoolmate shared John 3:16 & gave me my first bible. God bless her for sowing the seed of the gospel. Often it’s a quiet one to one encounter.

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