
Pampered Pooches

Had Jesus stood on the beach with us that day, I fancy he might have said, “Consider the pampered pooches of Melbourne.”

These dogs do not worry about tomorrow. They live for the moment. They strive only to please their owners. And their owners care for them. How much more does our perfect Heavenly Father care for us?!

Yes, I know. What Jesus actually commented on some two thousand years back was the birds of the air (Matthew 6:26-27). We can consider their example too.

First century Israelites were most unlikely to pamper their pooches in the way that some 21st century urban dwellers do. It was likely that our Lord sat on a hillside, observing birds dip and soar as he taught. Hence the bird illustration. That worked well for his listeners in that place and time.

Our Lord may not physically walk beside us on the beach today, but his Spirit indwells us. As I observe those beloved beasts, I sense the Spirit’s nudge. I don’t value such thoughts as if they were Scripture, but they line up with Jesus’ sentiments.

“Don’t worry about tomorrow. Live in the moment, striving to please me in all you say, do and are. Enjoy life even as you look to me. Those animals have masters and mistresses who care for them. How much more do you think your Heavenly Father is able to care for you?”

(These insights and photographs were from a weekend retreat near Rye, just out of Melbourne, early in May. Shortly after taking this photo, above, I was slobbered upon by this happy, wet, overly friendly black Labrador. It takes all sorts….)

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